The story was conceived on 19 August 2014 when I looked outside the plane window and imagined giant fishes swimming underneath the transparent streets of Wellington.
The Wellington Alternate
A contemporary New Zealand Magical Realism Novel where a young woman wants to be an academic because an egg ate her.
Merinette Dace Nadean
Mandy Nadean
Josefina Franken y Jaena
Arissa Joy Carpenter
Merinette is a young woman who pursues academics rather than following her family's tradition because an egg had eaten her at the coast of Island Bay
Merinette's introduction
00:00 / 01:33
Josefina Franken y Jaena is Merinette's classmate who has recently worked for Mandy after Merinette hesitated to interact with the surreal.
Josefina's introduction (Ilonggo)
00:00 / 01:40
Mandy is Merinette's aunt, who is responsible for maintaining the various surreal entities in Wellington.
Mandy's introduction
00:00 / 02:08
Arissa is Josefina's best friend who wants to interact with the surreal.